Sunday, February 5, 2012


Last night we celebrated yet another classmate's birthday for miss Ashley Simpson.... we had planned to go to Perugia since they have some nightlife, sights to see and of course... chocolate! Unfortunately the snow kind of botched those plans..... but we definitely made the best of it here in Orvieto! We dont have class on fridays and we are loving our 3 day weekends.... there are a couple of bars on the hill that are pretty fun....

Considering that we have only been here for a couple of weeks, I am noticing that it is becoming more real that we actually LIVE in Italy.... all of my friends now have their regular bar (cafes are referred to as bars here) and their regular drink andcan recommend to you "the best restaurant in town" as for myself, I have become quite the pizza snob. Sfizio's is the place to go.... you will have to check out pictures as soon as I get them uploaded!

Tonight we will be joining you in a late night viewing of the super bowl.... it has become a tradition that Bar Duomo will stay open late to let the americans watch their football... should be interesting!

Love and miss you all! (=

Ps I have been trying to figure out my watercolor "style" ..... let me know what you think!


  1. All of your paintings are beautiful. I don't know that I could pick a favorite. I love all the detail. The top one is kind of what I think of when i think of watercolor, kind of abstract in feel, the close to but not really "in the lines" of the paint and the subtle differences in the colors. But the others look like they could be photographs. I didn't think that could be done with watercolor. I like the softer color of the middle ones and the brighter colors of the bottom one. I like how the buildings in the third one look like they are outlined in black. I think your perspective looks great and I love that you have done people. They are all great. So proud of you.

  2. PS. I think the game here is in the evening. What time will it be when you be watching it? Is it live or recorded and shown later?

  3. Sounds like life is good except for snow! Your paintings are wonderful!! I still have room on my walls! Let me know where you are off to next weekend, did last weekend get wrote off or will it be rescheduled? How late do your weekday classes go? thinking about skype before my work. Love, Dad

  4. Hey sis - I like the top and bottom styles the best, but as the fam says they are all beautiful and way better than anything I could do.

    Think of one to do large scale before you come home for your sister's living room wall. I like buildings and rooftops. and the colors of travertine. :-)

    Also, I think you should work on your signature and put it on everything. It needs to be more artistic, like Da Vinci's or Monet's. You may be famous 300 years from now and people will be trying to figure out if this is an authentic piece...
