Sunday, February 26, 2012


On Wednesday the 15 of February, we loaded in to our giant pink bus and made the 4+ hour drive to Paestum.... we were lucky to have the opportunity to walk around the ruins for a couple of hours.... very beautiful... the weather was perfect and it reminded me of a damp spring day in mn when the grass is starting to green and everything smells fresh and clean, and you notice because you have been deprived of the sunshine and warm breezes all winter!

 {beautiful, REALLY old floor mosaics throughout the homes and shops}

 {clearly what would be taking place in this grassy area many years ago (=}

{on the bus ride to Pompeii, the Tyrrhenian Sea in the distance... the black streaks are the trees in motion with a slow shutter speed to capture the sunset... I like the effect}

One wrong turn by our bus driver and we were fortunate enough to catch our first glimpse of the Tyrrhenian Sea which was graced with a beautiful blood-orange red sunset.

We weaved back and forth along the coast and saw the beautiful terraced cities through the valleys that was a sea of twinkling lights that seem to blend with the stars in the sky, much different than skyscrapers and sprawled cities at night.

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous pictures. I really like your grayscale. Very nice. it is neat that you have people in the top photo. It gives you a feel for the massive size of the ruins.
