Sunday, January 8, 2012

orvieto, italy {umbria}

{orvieto map}

Orvieto, Italy is a small hilltop city {around five thousand people} where i will be studying alongside twenty-nine other K-State students from the seventeenth of January until the fifth of may

On January seventeenth we will be flying as a group out of Kansas City at about eight-thirty a.m. and connecting with our flight to Rome, Italy in Washington D.C.  

As for today, I am sitting in mid-western Minnesota, making lists and piles, preparing for a daunting shopping trip, then packing!


  1. A Sister's Italian Gift List:
    Olive Oil
    Balsamic Vinegar
    Wine (always)
    ...can you ship pasta?!?

    Also, please learn how to cook authentic Italian and then come back and teach us.

    Advice: Learn to love Chianti (not too difficult, I know).

    Word of the day: Attraversiamo. "Let's cross over" as in...let's cross over the ocean to Orvieto! A nice little Eat Pray Love reference. Remind me to send that book with you if you haven't read it :)
